Valentine's Day is there to placate those too weak to see that love doesn't exist

Saint Valentine's Day originated by celebrating the martyrdom of a priest who died for marrying soldiers in secret. How many people actually know that? I just had to look it up. And so what if, once upon a million years ago, people bought into the romantic celebration of something that can be reduced to an appetite- lust. Some of them have since come to their senses: Saint Valentine's day has been taken over by commercial industries like Hallmark and Hersheys. These savvy companies realized they could appeal to peoples' natural appetites through the romantic guise of love. This day is the one day of the year we sacrifice to keep the feeble-minded happy.
By the way, St Hobbes' Day does exist. It is every person's birthday--the celebration of the birth and life of the solitary individual and all that that implies. Is it just me, or do birthdays happen far more often than Feb 14th?
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