Choice: Good or Evil
Ok, let's get some discussion happening here folks. Yeah, that's right, I noticed no one has made a post in over a week. I'm just gonna throw something out there. Something radical (perhaps). Something totally crazy (maybe). Allow me to blow your minds:
Crazy... or is it? This is what Mel came up with in tutorial on Monday. I don't have much to say at the moment; my mind isn't in academic mode. But I will ask the following. Can the concept of good be defined in terms strictly independent from any notion of bad/evil (and vice-versa)? ie: Are the concepts of good and evil defined solely by each being the other's polar opposite? Is it necessary for us to have the possibility, the presence of evil before us, in order for us to choose the path to goodness?
"The virtue of choosing good is contingent upon temptation and rejection of
Crazy... or is it? This is what Mel came up with in tutorial on Monday. I don't have much to say at the moment; my mind isn't in academic mode. But I will ask the following. Can the concept of good be defined in terms strictly independent from any notion of bad/evil (and vice-versa)? ie: Are the concepts of good and evil defined solely by each being the other's polar opposite? Is it necessary for us to have the possibility, the presence of evil before us, in order for us to choose the path to goodness?
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